About the Artist
Artisian woodcarver Peter Scheunert came from Germany 22 years ago, leaving behind a successful career in the corporate world to live the Canadian dream. His first carvings, Greek and Venetian masks, were inspired by his travels in Europe. His work honors the beauty of nature while building on Old World traditions of carving. With time Peter developed his style: bowls in the shape of a heart, bear paw, a canoe, and a salmon. The bowls are hand-finished using handmade tools, and double as practical food bowls and as sculptural pieces. Peter’s work begins with hunting for the right kind of rare wood in the wilderness, with fermented sugar maple being the main substrate for his unique pieces. All wood is salvaged; no live trees are cut down. The finished pieces are oiled with organic sunflower oil and hand-polished to make them usable as food bowls and bring out the beauty of the wood.